Luxury Heritage Okotoks Homes

(Detached houses ranging from $999,999 and up)

Those interested in small compact homes will find some good options in this area, but there are also plenty of options for those looking for big homes for big families. Heritage also has acreages available. Regardless of whether you have a big or small budget Heritage homes should be explored because of all the choices available.

Luxury Homes for Sale in Heritage Okotoks

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About the Heritage Okotoks Luxury Market

Residents of Heritage homes have access to the Okotoks Recreational Center which offers a vast number of activities. The center houses a 25m long pool, a curling rink, a gymnasium, and several sports arenas. The center is also equipped with a sauna and a whirlpool. The Okotoks Recreational Center is also the sight for the Okotoks car auction which is held in the spring.

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