Luxury NorthWest Homes

If you want to wake up to magnificent views of the Rocky Mountains or the Bow River, then northwest Calgary is the place to invest in a luxury home. You can buy a luxury home in northwest Calgary for as little as $1,000,000. Some features of a northwest Calgary luxury home include large and spacious living areas, high-end appliances and fixtures, custom interior design and architecture, bathrooms with spa-like features, a high-end security system, and an indoor/outdoor pool.

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The northwest quadrant of Calgary is one of Calgary’s best districts to live in, and with over 60 communities to choose from, you will find the perfect neighbourhood and home. Northwest Calgary’s neighbourhoods include Royal Vista, Royal Oak, Tuscany, Silver Springs, Arbour Lake, and Brentwood.

No matter where you live in northwest Calgary, you will have easy access to the foothills and the Rocky Mountains. Residents can also enjoy hiking in one of the country’s best parks – Nose Hill Park, or walking along the Bow River and its pathways. Children have access to public and private schools and several outdoor sports facilities for basketball, hockey, tennis, swimming, and more. Regarding services and amenities, northwest Calgary’s Market Mall, Crowfoot Crossing, and Kensington shopping district are just a few favourite shopping destinations. These malls house all types of stores, including fashion, lifestyle, brand stores, outlets, and department stores with a host of amenities.