Townhomes for Sale in Martindale

Martindale is at a convenient distance from Downtown Calgary and close to the Calgary International Airport. The major roads that border the neighborhood add to its accessibility. To the north run 80 Avenue NE, to the east Falconridge Boulevard, 64 Avenue NE runs along the southern border and to the west is Metis Trail NE. Martindale homes are in an area where there are a lot of job opportunities as the Westwind and Saddle Ridge industrial parks are nearby. The two nearby LRT train station adds another level of connectivity to Martindale homes.


Martindale Townhomes for Sale in Calgary

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Living in a Townhouse in Martindale

Golf lovers will also enjoy living in a Martindale home with easy access to the Fox Hollow Golf Club. One of Canada’s largest park – Nose Hill Park is also a short distance away from Martindale. But there is more than outdoor activities and sports facilities to be enjoyed in Martindale. Martindale residents can also be part of the many activities organized by the Martindale community center. Among the residents that enjoy going to the movies and a bit of shopping, the Sunridge Mall and Cross Iron Mills Outlet Mall are the perfect places to go.

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