Townhomes for Sale in Mayland Heights

Mayland Heights homes enjoy a good blend of classic and contemporary architecture which reflects the eras during in which development took place. A vast number of Mayland Heights homes are detached family homes, but buyers can also find condos, townhouses, and semi-detached properties. With a variety of floor plans available, there is something to suit every kind of lifestyle.


Mayland Heights Townhomes for Sale in Calgary

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Living in a Townhouse in Mayland Heights

The TELUS Sparks Modern Science Museum is a great spot for kids of all ages to learn lots of new stuff. For those more inclined to shopping, watching movies and dining out, the Chinook Mall is a short drive away, and the popular 17th Avenue is easily accessible by the C-train. Just a 15-minute drive from downtown Calgary, Mayland Heights homes are a convenient option for those who need to make the commute for work every day. Mayland Heights homes offer a number of advantages to the residents.

Not finding a suitable townhome in this Community? Try Searching other townhouses for sale in these nearby communities.

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